Privacy Policy

Personal Data Protection Policy


Reservas Machupicchu Peru EIRL, a prominent player in the tourism sector, dedicates itself to offering a wide array of tourism services nationwide. In alignment with the prevailing Peruvian legislation on personal data protection, Reservas Machupicchu Peru EIRL is unwavering in its commitment to the ethical and legal treatment of personal data.


This document serves as a comprehensive guide, articulating the principles and delineating responsibilities pertaining to the treatment of personal data within the operational ambit of Reservas Machupicchu Peru EIRL.


Applicability extends across the spectrum of processes involving the personal data of clients within the purview of Reservas Machupicchu Peru EIRL.


  • Personal data: Refers to information that identifies a natural person.
  • Sensitive data: Encompasses biometric details, racial and ethnic origin, income particulars, political inclinations, religious or philosophical beliefs, moral opinions, union membership status, and health-related information.
  • Treatment of personal data: Encompasses all technical operations related to data processing, including collection, recording, organization, storage, etc.
  • Consent: Signifies the prior and express authorization granted by the data subject for the treatment of their personal data.
  • Personal data bank: Denotes an organized set of personal data.
  • Owner of the personal data bank: Refers to the entity determining the purpose and content of the data bank.
  • Responsible for the personal data bank: Denotes the entity processing data on behalf of the owner of the data bank.


Reservas Machupicchu Peru EIRL assigns explicit responsibilities to its workforce and external providers to ensure steadfast compliance with the tenets delineated in this Policy. Oversight and periodic review are vested in the General Management, acting as the custodian of this regulatory framework.


The provisions contained in this Policy are strictly intended for internal reference, adhering to the norms of professional confidentiality associated with personal data.


At Reservas Machupicchu Peru EIRL, employees are steadfastly committed to upholding the following principles in their interactions with personal data:

  • Legality: All data processing adheres to the stipulations laid out in relevant legislation.
  • Consent: The company refrains from processing data without the prior, express, and informed consent of the data subject.
  • Purpose: Collected data is utilized only for predefined and lawful purposes.
  • Proportionality: Data processing is restricted to that which is strictly necessary for the intended purpose.
  • Quality: Reservas Machupicchu Peru EIRL is dedicated to maintaining accurate, up-to-date, and pertinent data.
  • Security: Stringent technical, organizational, and legal measures are in place to safeguard personal data against potential risks.
  • Adequate Level of Protection: In cases of international data transfers, the company ensures a level of protection equivalent to or exceeding legal requirements.


Transfer of personal data is executed judiciously, either with explicit consent or in adherence to legally sanctioned exceptions.


Reservas Machupicchu Peru EIRL, as a rule, informs data subjects in advance about the collection of sensitive data, ensuring transparency in processes.


The divulgence of personal data is a meticulously governed process, either for necessary purposes, with the data subject’s informed consent, or as dictated by legal imperatives.


Upon completion of the data processing purpose and in the absence of legal obligations, Reservas Machupicchu Peru EIRL undertakes the deletion of personal data from its records. Alternatively, the company may implement processes like dissociation when commercial, statistical, or market analysis interests warrant the retention of certain data.


In instances of policy violations, the company views such transgressions with utmost seriousness and subjects offenders to appropriate disciplinary actions.


Reservas Machupicchu Peru EIRL is steadfast in its commitment to:

  • Compliance: The company diligently adheres to the stipulations of this Policy.
  • Awareness: Efforts are directed at ensuring that all employees have a nuanced understanding of and unwavering respect for this Policy.
  • Publication: The Policy is prominently displayed in easily accessible locations.
  • Confidentiality Agreements: Confidentiality agreements are formalized with employees, users, contractors, and third parties accessing personal data, reinforcing the sanctity of data confidentiality.

This Policy stands testament to Reservas Machupicchu Peru EIRL’s dedication to the ethical, lawful, and secure treatment of personal data, reflecting the company’s unwavering commitment to safeguarding the privacy and rights of data subjects.